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Réservation de salles - All resources
Du Monday, Oct 03 au Sunday, Oct 09

Resources Monday 03 Oct Tuesday 04 Oct Wednesday 05 Oct Thursday 06 Oct Friday 07 Oct
Physiquarium 1er_etage_C1
Salle_Louis_Neel C1-207 1er_etage_C1_32_personnes
14:00 to 16:00
Réunion service informatique
10:30 to 11:30
point Gestion FI
13:00 to 15:00
Reunion Master EMM-Nano+
13:00 to 16:00
Réunion RPS DR11
Salle_de_réunions C3-203 1er_etage_C3_8_personnes
13:00 to 14:00
Réunion pôle NanoFab
14:00 to 16:00
reunion ThEMA
10:30 to 12:00
zoom meeting
14:00 to 15:30
16:00 to 17:30
09:15 to 11:15
Meeting KAUST
Kulow Meeting Ptychography with collaborators from KAUST
09:00 to 10:00
Reunion selection
11:00 to 12:00
14:00 to 16:00
réunion non-permanents
Salle_des_conseils_Dir C3-206 1er_etage_C3_16_personnes
Salle_des_conseils D406 3eme_etage_D_16_personnes
10:30 to 11:30
reunion repetition
15:00 to 17:00
Réunion LED Bleue
10:00 to 11:00
Réunion Pôle Elec
13:00 to 15:00
réunion Raphaël
09:00 to 09:30
Visio Hiqute
10:00 to 11:00
12:00 to 12:30
visio ST
14:30 to 16:00
Meeting pres diamfab
16:00 to 18:00
Prépa WEF
10:00 to 11:00
Répet Lucie IWN
11:00 to 13:00
Bureau SFP
09:30 to 12:00
Visio contrat + soitec
14:00 to 16:00
Point thèse Dov N. DIAMFAB/SIMAP
Salle_Nevill_Mott D420 3eme_etage_D_60_personnes
09:00 to 11:00
Group meeting HYBRID
11:00 to 12:00
reunion TMC
14:00 to 15:00
Service administratif
14:30 to 17:30
Reunion + journal club
09:00 to 12:00
14:00 to 16:00
Réunion RPS DR11
10:00 to 12:00
Réunion RPS
13:00 to 14:30
réunion EBIC
Salle_des_conseils E406 3eme_etage_E_16_personnes
10:00 to 11:00
13:00 to 16:00
répetition CSI Océane
09:30 to 12:30
CSI Océane
13:00 to 16:30
Réunion Pôle Elec
13:30 to 14:30
14:30 to 17:00
CSI Charles Peretti
17:00 to 18:00
Preparation CSI Chafic Fawaz
09:00 to 10:00
Réunion Pôle Elec
14:00 to 15:00
Thermometrie NbN
15:30 to 18:00
Réunion TPS
Réunion Carlos
Salle_Louis_Weil E424 3eme_etage_E_40_personnes
14:00 to 16:00
Réunion ThermoMatrix
10:30 to 12:30
Seminaire MCBT
15:30 to 17:30
Réunion étage Al
09:30 to 12:30
group meeting
14:00 to 15:00
réunion MagSup ou supra informelle
Salle_des_conseils F403 3eme_etage_F_16_personnes
14:00 to 17:00
réunion de pôle
13:00 to 17:00
CSI Baptiste Vallet-Simond
09:00 to 11:00
Réunion GeFe2O4
16:30 to 17:30
09:30 to 11:00
Réu thèse Viallet
15:00 to 17:00
Audition candidat CDD
09:30 to 11:30
Réunion CryoX [C4QM]
Conception cryostat pour diffractomètre monocrystaux.
14:30 to 16:30
Janna Laura Claire Tristan
Salle_Erwin_Bertaut F418 3eme_etage_F_40_personnes
14:00 to 15:00
journal club electron ptychography
15:00 to 16:30
réunion SIN
09:00 to 13:00
15:00 to 17:00
Réunion Thèse
08:00 to 20:00
10:00 to 12:00
réunion thèse Francis
13:30 to 17:30
présentation XRD Anton Paar
14:00 to 15:00
visioconference- Luminoled
Salle_de_réunions G-315 2eme_etage_G_6_personnes
Salle_de_reunions K220 1er_etage_K_15_personnes
10:00 to 12:00
reunion hqnom
14:00 to 15:00
mini-projet polisseuse.
15:00 to 16:00
Visioconference KU-Leuven
14:30 to 16:30
Entretien annuel
16:30 to 17:30
14:00 to 17:00
Salle_Remy_Lemaire K223 1er_etage_K_60_personnes
09:00 to 10:30
MNM group meeting
11:00 to 13:00
reunion Mag
14:00 to 15:30
CQ group meeting
09:30 to 11:30
Réunion intranet
13:00 to 15:30
Séminaire NEQ
14:45 to 15:45
14:00 to 17:00
Reunion transdiam
14:00 to 15:00
Seminar Frank Feldhoff
Salle_Rammal_Rammal M200 1er_etage_M_30_personnes
10:00 to 12:00
Group Meeting
12:30 to 14:30
10:00 to 12:00
Meeting Orga
12:00 to 14:00
09:30 to 11:30
Group meeting Grushin
13:30 to 15:30
réunion O. Cépas, C. Goujon, C. Naud
fête de la science
10:00 to 12:00
CSI Francesco
12:00 to 13:30
Feu le CLET
13:30 to 16:30
reunion cryo
09:00 to 13:00
13:30 to 16:30
reunion jury
09:00 to 11:00
Réunion thèse Robin
16:00 to 18:00
Réunion thèse Gwenn
15:00 to 18:00
Réunion pôle
14:00 to 17:00
Salle_Z-206 1er_etage_Z_8_personnes
14:00 to 15:00
Graphene superconducting circuits
15:00 to 16:30
TWPA meeting
14:00 to 17:00
Reunion + journal club
14:00 to 16:00
Bloch oscillations meeting
K224 1er_etage_K_4_personnes
Box_Visio Rdc_F_2_personnes
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